Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pak Kei

Pak Kei is a kind of Chinese herbs whereby it's used to strengthen our respiratory system.

I used to experience breathing difficulty when I was studying for my degree. I had to take a deep breath so as to clear my lungs in order for me to breath easily.

So I consulted a doctor. He told me I lacked exercise as most of the time I would be doing my assignments in front of my computer.

I adopted jogging and it helped but I could still feel the difficulty in breathing once in a while.

Then, I told a friend about it and she told me to consume pak kei with red dates.

I boiled a pot of  pak kei and drank it. But I knew I was too greedy. I put a lot of pak kei. After consuming, I started to cough badly. But surprisingly, after that cough, I felt better.

Since then, I don't have this kind of breathing difficulty anymore.

Now, I always recommend pak kei with other herbs for improving respiratory health.


Small Kucing said...

interesting. I wonder if people with astma can take this or not

wenn said...

people with asthma should consume crocodile meat with other chinese herbs.

Reanaclaire said...

wenn is the proper person to ask.. :) yes, patt kei is good... but sometimes stress is the cause of breathlessness in us..

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