Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Energetic Doer

My Personality:

Energetic Doers are cheerful and spontaneous persons. They are charming and full of energy and real persons of action. They keep a clear head and the overview even in difficult situations. This makes them popular problem solvers. Their ability of being able to absorb and process information is phenomenal.
Energetic Doers also have strong powers of observation and a keen sense when dealing with other people. They are very perceptive, witty and clever. They have a natural ability of convincing others of their point of view. Energetic Doers live completely in the here and now and make spontaneous decisions from one moment to the next. They love being together with other people and are sensuous, lively and amusing conversationalists. It is no problem for them to be the effervescent centre of attention at a party and they are generous, skilful and good hosts. They do not brood over consequences for long; they quickly grasp all the relevant facts, make a pragmatic decision and enforce that decision vigorously. Should a decision later turn out to have been wrong, one can always make new plans.

Energetic Doers magically attract fun and action. They need the kick - as far as possible with other people. Many representatives of this type have dangerous hobbies or go in for extreme sports. They quite consciously put themselves in dangerous situations again and again. At work too, Energetic Doers seek fun and variety above all. They are bored to death by routine, safety and calculability. Crises are their elixir of life and really bring their strong points to light. They react to new challenges flexibly and effectively. They gain their confidence from their imperturbable self-assuredness that they will be able to cope with them. Energetic Doers prefer practical activities which lead to visible results rather than theoretical fields of work. Endless discussions with colleagues quickly get on their nerves and they do not have the patience for interpersonal niceties. They say how something has to be done and that’s that!

Friday, November 8, 2013


Kindness starts at home. It’s about being true to our own feelings and values, and expressing this to other people so our feelings and values get an airing, and so those people know where they stand with us.
If we’re not acting in a way that is kind to ourselves, we will not be acting in a way that is kind towards other people. 

Kindness isn’t lending someone money when you know they’re going to spend it on drugs, alcohol, or rack up more debt.

Kindness is telling them you’re not going to lend them money and doing what you reasonably can to support them through their journey.

Kindness isn’t heaping holier-than-thou judgement on someone in that situation.

Kindness is finding compassion and understanding for where they’re at, while maintaining your own boundaries and respecting your own needs.

Kindness is telling someone when we feel upset with something they said or did.

Kindness is accepting where other people are, and not trying to change them. Kindness is accepting that might mean a toxic relationship is over – because we can’t change other people.

Kindness is helping someone out; not to have some sort of debt owed by them, not to try and make ourselves look good, but from a genuine compassion for fellow human-being.

Kindness is acting without expectation of reciprocity or recognition (although there’s nothing wrong with enjoying it). Kindness is an anonymous donation, it’s a surprise email with no expectation of a reply.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sea Cucumber

By Dr. Paul Haidersea-cucumber
Sea Cucumber is a animal that lives in the sea and has many great health benefits.

Sea Cucumber contains Chondroitin sulfate which is found in many over the counter arthritis formulas and works well to combat the pain of arthritis naturally.

And new studies show that extracts of Sea Cucumber has the ability to kill cancer cells, especially pancreatic cancer cells.

Sea Cucumber contains lots of fatty acids that are great for wound healing — fatty acids such as palmitic, oleic, and stearic, and many more.–plus vitamins A, B’s and calcium and iron.

Sea Cucumber is great for gum disease… and a 3 month study those that using Sea Cucumber toothpaste healed much faster from gum disease than those who did not get the Sea Cucumber toothpaste.

In Asia, Sea Cucumber is used for impotence, kidney and reproductive problems and in the states Sea Cucumber is used in cosmetics because of it’s great skin healing qualities.

Sea Cucumber is very high in protein… even higher than egg whites and studies show that upping your intake of protein can lead to a lowering of cardiovascular disease. And Sea Cucumber eggs are very high in protein too and considered a great delicacy in Asia.

Sea Cucumber is also a good antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agent too.

And there’s great promise that Sea Cucumber will make a powerful protectant against the common cold.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Honey Myth or Fact: Answers

1. Honey is sweeter than table sugar. Fact.
Honey is sweeter than table sugar, so you use less of it. Honey Nutrition Facts

2. Honey is best taken when mixed in hot water. Myth.
Avoid adding piping hot water to honey, as this would not only reduce the aroma and flavour of the honey, but also destroy the natural enzymes present in it. Honey Storage Tips

3. Honey should not be scooped using a metal spoon. Myth.
Honey is acidic, but scooping it with a metal spoon is such a quick action that corrosion of the metal is unlikely.

4. Honey never spoils, even when it’s stored opened. Myth.
Honey absorbs moisture from the air when left opened, and this leads to fermentation.

5. Honey comes in the liquid, cream, and powder form. Myth.
Honey comes in the liquid and cream form, but not in the powder form. Who Says Cactus Honey Powder is Honey!

6. Honey’s quality is not affected by crystallisation. Fact.
Crystallisation does not affect the quality and nutritional value of honey.

7. Honey is a healthier choice than artificial sugar. Fact.
Artificial sugars can cause more harm than you know.

8. Honey contains no cholesterol. Fact.
Honey is free of cholesterol.

9. Honey contains a tiny amount of fat. Myth.
Honey is fat-free.

10. Honey helps burn fats when we sleep. Fact.
Acording to the Hibernation Diet , honey is the best fuel for burning fats while we sleep.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A complete blood count (CBC) gives important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood, especially red blood cells camera, white blood cells camera, and platelets. A CBC helps your doctor check any symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, or bruising, you may have. A CBC also helps him or her diagnose conditions, such as anemia, infection, and many other disorders.
A CBC test usually includes:
  • White blood cell (WBC, leukocyte) count. White blood cells protect the body against infection. If an infection develops, white blood cells attack and destroy the bacteria, virus, or other organism causing it. White blood cells are bigger than red blood cells but fewer in number. When a person has a bacterial infection, the number of white cells rises very quickly. The number of white blood cells is sometimes used to find an infection or to see how the body is dealing with cancer treatment.
  • White blood cell types (WBC differential). The major types of white blood cells are neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Immature neutrophils, called band neutrophils, are also part of this test. Each type of cell plays a different role in protecting the body. The numbers of each one of these types of white blood cells give important information about the immune system. Too many or too few of the different types of white blood cells can help find an infection, an allergic or toxic reaction to medicines or chemicals, and many conditions, such as leukemia.
  • Red blood cell (RBC) count. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. They also carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs so it can be exhaled. If the RBC count is low (anemia), the body may not be getting the oxygen it needs. If the count is too high (a condition called polycythemia), there is a chance that the red blood cells will clump together and block tiny blood vessels (capillaries). This also makes it hard for your red blood cells to carry oxygen.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Contrary to popular belief, you will not have a big spike in your cholesterol level after eating a durian. In fact, this king of fruits has good monounsaturated fats that can actually lower your harmful cholesterol levels and moderate your high blood pressure.
But feasting on this highly nutritious fruit will certainly not benefit your waistline. A durian can have anywhere from 885 calories to 1,500 calories depending on its size.
“Durians may be a very good source of nutrients, but they are also high in calories and carbohydrates and thus must be consumed with moderation,” says Magdalin Cheong, Chief Dietitian, Dietetic & Food Services at Changi General Hospital.

Facts about durians

1. Durians can cause weight gain
With an average 1 kg sized durian having close to 1,350 calories, eating one durian can rack up as much as 68 per cent per cent of the daily 2,000 calories recommended for an average adult! One seed durian (about 40 g) has 54 calories.
2. Durians are rich in nutrients
Durians are naturally rich in potassium, dietary fibre, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex. The king of fruits is thus excellent for improving muscle strength and blood pressure, bowel movements and skin health. It also supports the nervous and immune systems, and enhances red blood cell formation.
Nutritional composition of one small durian (602g)    Dietitian’s Comments 
Calories  885   
Total fat  32.1g (mostly monounsaturated fats)  That’s nearly 50% of the daily nutritional requirement. 
Cholesterol  NIL  
Sodium  13mg  Low sodium 
Total carbohydrates  163.1g  That’s over 50% of the daily nutritional requirement. 
Dietary fibre  22.9g   Good. That’s 92% of the daily nutritional requirement. 
Protein  8.8g   

Percentage of daily nutritional requirements     
Vitamin C 198%  
Iron 14%  
Vitamin A 5%  
Calcium  4%   
3. People with diabetes must limit their durian intake
If you have diabetes and must count your carbs, you cannot feast on durians because of the fruit’s high sugar content. Durians contain simple sugars – sucrose, fructoseand glucose.
4. Durians are instant energisers
Because of their high carbohydrate content, durians can help replenish low energy levels quickly (in healthy individuals). The fruit’s high potassium content can also help reduce fatigue and relieve mental stress and anxiety.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ice Massage for Plantar Fascitis

 What is the Plantar Fascia?
Image from
The plantar fascia (also called the plantar aponeurosis) is a thick band of connective tissue on the plantar surface (underside) of the foot.  It originates on the medial tubercle of the calcaneus bone (a particular landmark on the underside of the heel bone), and continues beneath the other bones of the foot out towards base of the toes.  The plantar fascia is made up of collagen fibers that run mostly along the length of the foot, although some move in other directions as well.  The job of the plantar fascia is to support the bones of the arch of the feet by acting as a tie-rod.  From a mechanical perspective, the plantar fascia supports up to 14% of the load the foot has to bear as we move.  So as you can see, it is one of the most important structures in our feet!

Ice Massage:

Fill several 3 or 5 ounce paper cups with water and freeze them.  When frozen, remove a cup from the freezer and peel back an inch or so of the cup, exposing the ice.  Using the remaining cup as a handle, massage the heel and underside of the foot with the ice, in circular motions and with medium pressure, for 10 to 15 minutes.  You will have to continue to peel the paper cup back from the ice as it melts, and you’ll want a hand towel to blot the water as it melts, but this is a highly effective treatment for plantar fascitis.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Love your dogs

Famous Dog Lover Quotes

"A dog has one aim in life... to bestow his heart."
-- J.R. Ackerley

"If a dog's prayers were answered, bones would rain from the sky."
-- Proverb 

"I have found that when you are deeply troubled there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source."
-- Doris Day

"To err is human: To forgive, canine."
-- Anonymous

"Dogs are miracles with paws."
-- Attributed to Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy
"A dog lives in the moment and always hopes for the best."
-- Little Dancing Dogs

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself."
-- Josh Billings

"No one in your family will ever be as forgiving of your mistakes as your dog."
-- Susan Hyde

"A dog believes you are what you think you are."
-- Jane Swan

"Folks will know how large your soul is, By the way you treat a dog!"
-- Charles F. Doran

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

"Happy New Year"

No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I

Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I

Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It's the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I

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