Friday, November 8, 2013


Kindness starts at home. It’s about being true to our own feelings and values, and expressing this to other people so our feelings and values get an airing, and so those people know where they stand with us.
If we’re not acting in a way that is kind to ourselves, we will not be acting in a way that is kind towards other people. 

Kindness isn’t lending someone money when you know they’re going to spend it on drugs, alcohol, or rack up more debt.

Kindness is telling them you’re not going to lend them money and doing what you reasonably can to support them through their journey.

Kindness isn’t heaping holier-than-thou judgement on someone in that situation.

Kindness is finding compassion and understanding for where they’re at, while maintaining your own boundaries and respecting your own needs.

Kindness is telling someone when we feel upset with something they said or did.

Kindness is accepting where other people are, and not trying to change them. Kindness is accepting that might mean a toxic relationship is over – because we can’t change other people.

Kindness is helping someone out; not to have some sort of debt owed by them, not to try and make ourselves look good, but from a genuine compassion for fellow human-being.

Kindness is acting without expectation of reciprocity or recognition (although there’s nothing wrong with enjoying it). Kindness is an anonymous donation, it’s a surprise email with no expectation of a reply.

1 comment:

  1. It is good for the soul and spirit to be a kind person.
